Entries by Jennifer Huynh

2016 Victoria Prize for Science & Innovation

The Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation recognises the outstanding work of established Victorian scientists and the impact of their research. Prof Jamie Rossjohn, of Monash University, and Prof James McCluskey, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at University of Melbourne, last night received the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation for 15 years of pioneering work in understanding of how […]

Jamie awarded the ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship

Professor Jamie Rossjohn has been awarded a highly prestigious Australian Laureate Fellowship from theAustralian Research Council, worth $2.9 million over five years. NHMRC Australia Fellow, Professor Jamie Rossjohn, from the Biomedicine Discovery Institute, was announced as a recipient of the 2016 Australian Laureate Fellowship at a ceremony in Canberra on Friday. This fellowship will help Professor Rossjohn […]

Jamie and Jim awarded the GSK Award for Research Excellence

A research partnership between The University of Melbourne and Monash University has won $80,000 to help continue groundbreaking work on how the immune system identifies and fights disease. The research could assist the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcers, tuberculosis and lead to better vaccines. The successful team, led by Professors James McCluskey and […]

Academia-industry alliance towards autoimmune disease

Monash University announced today that it has signed a research collaboration   agreement with Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd. (Janssen), one of the Janssen   Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson. The collaboration, facilitated by Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Asia   Pacific, will focus on ground-breaking research at Monash University to develop   potential new medicines to treat autoimmune diseases and disorders. […]

Top Monash researchers recognised with NHMRC Excellence Awards

Four of the NHMRC’s 20 top prizes for excellence in health and medical research have been awarded to Monash researchers. The National Health and Medical Research Council’s Research Excellence Awards are presented to the top-ranked applicants across NHMRC’s funding schemes. Professor Jamie Rossjohn, Associate Professor Allen Cheng, Associate Professor Terry Haines and Dr Michael Roche […]